Summer 2024

Our first concert open to the public this Summer will be the 2024 Charity Concert, in aid of the Firefighters Charity. We’ll be playing at the Saltford Community Hall, on Saturday 15th June, as part of the Saltford Festival.

The following weekend, Saturday 22nd June, we’ll be at the Bristol Harbourside, where we’ll be playing in the M-Shed as part of a special waterside event. It will be a Family Fun weekend – more details to follow. (Hint – Pyronaut)

On Sunday August 18th we’ll be back on the Keynsham bandstand with an afternoon concert.

We round up our Summer season at the Bathampton show, on Saturday 14th September. Sunshine always guaranteed there!

More details of all these events, including ticket details for the June concert, will appear in the ‘Forthcoming Concerts’ page on this website.

Watch this space for 2024 updates!

Once the site has been upgraded to the latest version of our blogging app (WordPress) new content will start to appear.

At last we are able to confirm our concert diary for this year. Keep checking in here to see the list of concerts and other events this band will be attending in 2024.

Summer 2023

Our Summer season isn’t quite over yet – we’ll be playing at Keynsham Bandstand on Saturday 2nd Sep, and we finish our season at the Bathampton Village Fete on Saturday 9th – we hope to see you at one of these!

Our summer charity concert was held at the Saltford village hall in June – we hope to make this a bigger and better concert next year (plans to be announced)!

This (see below) was one of the more unusual venues we have played at: a section of the band provided background music to the Fire & Rescue Service’s awards ceremony. No we didn’t travel to the moon, it’s Mars in the background (so we were told).

For those unfamiliar with Bristol locations, this is the Concorde at Aerospace Bristol.

The 2023 season has kicked off!

We’ve just returned from a weekend ‘band camp’ with our fellow Fire&Rescue band members from Devon & Somerset, West Midlands and Lincolnshire. The event was held in the neutral half-way point of the Fire Service College in the Cotswolds and was much enjoyed by those who attended.

And so to our concert season:

June sees our annual Charity Concert, which this year will be held at Saltford Village Hall, on Saturday 17th June. For details click here

In July we’ll be playing at the Combe Down Primary Summer Fair, in the grounds of Combe Down Rugby Club, on Saturday 15th July

In September we have two concerts:

Keynsham Bandstand on the 2nd of September

Bathampton Village Show on the 9th September

Where were we?

Catching up from the end of the Summer 2022 season, the headlines were…
– if you came to our Charity Concert at the Roper Theatre Bath
– and if you were at our concert in the bandstand at Keynsham, or the Village Fair at Bathampton,
– or if you saw us at Cribbs Causeway in early December,

Thank you – and we hope to see you again sometime during the 2023 season, which is just beginning to shape up.

Now read on:

We are back to our regular practice schedule of Monday nights at Lansdown for the Concert Band. As yet, we are not in a position to restart the Wednesday training sessions, possibly there will be developments later this year.

We do have some dates for concerts already:
This year our charity concert will be held at Saltford Community Hall, on Saturday June 17th. It’s a bit early to buy tickets, but we’ve had to confirm dates early because of other commitments for venues (there’s a coronation sometime, and lot of Bank Holidays).
We will also be playing in the Keynsham bandstand one Sunday afternoon in the Summer, and we’re already down for a couple of Christmas appearances.

Tickets now on sale!

For our Jubilee charity concert. It’s on Saturday June 11th, at the Roper Theatre (Hayesfield School, Bath BA2 3LA), starting at 7.30pm. We’ll be playing a selection of Jubilee-linked music titles, plus an assortment of show tunes and pop classics. We’ll be welcoming guest players from our neighbours, in the Devon & Somerset Fire&Rescue Service Concert Band, plus the Devon & Somerset Corps of Drums .

Right click on image to copy / download

Come along and enjoy the show – advance tickets are now on sale (£10 adult, £5 to age 16) and proceeds will go to the Firefighters Charity. To book by phone, contact the Bath Box Office on 01225 463362 or use the direct link to the booking page for our concert

The new season begins…2022

We’ve spent the winter months in practice at the Weston Moravian church in Bath, and despite individual absences as a result of Covid alerts, we’ve managed to keep going and prepare for the 2022 Concert season.

Our first public performance is a Jubilee Charity Concert, to be held at the Roper Theatre in Bath, on Saturday 11th June. More details nearer the time.

We’ll be at the bandstand in the park at Keynsham on Sunday 31st July, from 2pm – and hope to see you there!

And so this is Christmas – safely

The band at Cribbs Mall, Christmas 2021
The band in Christmas uniforms.

Well, somehow we made it, despite the imminence of omicron and after a considerable number of LFD tests. We played a two hour set of carols and festive music for the shoppers and happy eaters at the Cribbs Causeway Mall to the West of Bristol this morning. Needless to say, we are somewhat spaced apart compared to our usual playing configuration, and the photo shows one of the rare unmasked moments when we weren’t playing. No, we don’t know what the large cylinder in the front of the picture is, either – we had a couple more around us. Giant Alexa speakers maybe?

If you were there, thank you for the odd smatterings of applause – we hope we made your shopping a more festive occasion. Thanks too to the management team at Cribbs Mall for their help and efforts to enable this to happen. Onwards to our next concert, at St Mary’s Yate, on Sunday the 19th December – a Christmas service with carols and a couple of other pieces of music too.

Christmas 2021

We are able to do a couple of public concerts this year, subject of course to Government guidelines:

There’s a chance to hear and meet the band at Cribbs Mall on the morning of Saturday 4th December. We’ll be playing carols and other festive pieces. To find us, follow the music – or go to the first floor, near one of the food corridors at the top of the stairs.

We’ll also be playing at the Christmas service on Sunday 19th December, at St Mary’s church, Yate. The service begins at 6.30pm, and all are welcome.

Back with a bang

After so much time, it was great for us all to go out and perform in a gig at last!

We gave a concert for the Civil Service Social Club in Filton on a weekend in August, as part of their family fun day. The photo shows the scene during our version of the ‘1812 Overture’. No cannon for us, but plenty of fireworks.

Thanks to the CSSCC for the invite, and congratulations to them for raising over £1000 for NHS and front-line worker charities too.

photo credit: CSSCC

Thanks too to our ‘guest players’, friends of the band (and especially of Alan, our Director of Music) who stepped in to augment numbers, many of whom travelled considerable distances to be with us for rehearsals and the performance:

Phil, Mike and Colin on clarinet
Chris on cornet
Dave, Andy and Dominic on Horn
Stuart on Trombone
Shirley, James and Mark on Euphonium
Steve on Percussion,
and special thanks to Mark who joined in on vocal numbers, and to John who MC’d the occasion for us.