
Welcome to the web site of the Band of Avon Fire and Rescue Service, a concert wind band based in Bath.   Our Director of Music is Alan Peacock.

We perform a very broad spectrum of music styles and genre, and are available throughout the year to perform concerts or provide music at engagements and events.  Our primary location is  Bristol, Bath and surrounding areas, but we have played as far away as Aix-en-Provence.  

We welcome new players at any time of the year..

If you are interested in joining us, or know of anyone who would like to, please email

If you’d like to have the band play at an event you are organising, it’s the same email address for initial enquiries –

For further discussions about existing bookings, please email

Scroll down the page for more information, or use the menu bar at the top.

News Items

Summer 2024

Our first concert open to the public this Summer will be the 2024 Charity Concert, in aid of the Firefighters Charity. We’ll be playing at the Saltford Community Hall, on Saturday 15th June, as part of the Saltford Festival. The following weekend, Saturday 22nd June, we’ll be at the Bristol Harbourside, where we’ll be playing …

Watch this space for 2024 updates!

Once the site has been upgraded to the latest version of our blogging app (WordPress) new content will start to appear. At last we are able to confirm our concert diary for this year. Keep checking in here to see the list of concerts and other events this band will be attending in 2024.

Upcoming Concerts

Dates for the 2025 public concerts – where tickets are needed, links will appear here nearer the event.

Monday 3rd March, 7.30pm: St James the Great, Westerleigh. Fund raiser for the church organ

Saturday 28th June. Saltford Community Hall, our charity concert. (Tickets on sale nearer the date)

Friday 18th July, 7.30pm: St Mary’s Church, Yate.

Sunday 17th Aug. Keynsham Bandstand

Saturday 13th Sept. Bathampton Village Show.

Joining the band

If you’re a musician looking for a Band to join in the Bristol, Bath & surrounding areas, welcome – you don’t have to be a firefighter – any musician can apply to join us!   Whether you’re an experienced band player, a confident amateur or someone who used to play and has finally got time to devote more time to music, come and try us out.   You’re welcome to come to a practice session on a Monday evening and, if you decide you want to join, we’ll sign you up and you can come along every week.

A message from our Director of Music, Alan Peacock
My background in music is military having served in the Band of the Devon and Dorset Regiment, playing Clarinet and Saxophone, I studied at The Royal Military School of Music Kneller Hall.

I like the band to play a variety of music, catering for all abilities, whilst I do like to encourage them to play some more difficult pieces, to try and improve the overall performance, at the same time keeping it enjoyable. I do like to encourage young musicians as without youth we don’t have a future.

The concert wind band rehearses on Monday evenings (except for Bank Holidays) at 7.30pm at the Management Development centre of the Avon Fire & Rescue Service, which is to the North of Bath, just beyond the racecourse.  You do need a car to get there, unfortunately, but the good news is that there’s plenty of parking, which is very rare in the Bath area!

Our contact details: email info@avonfireandrescueband.org